Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Empty Hope

Are you telling me that this Senator came on to Hardball that unprepared? This almost hurts me to watch.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama = Tax Collector?

Have any of you democrats thought about the possibility of extremely high taxes under an Obama administration? To be fair, I can't be sure my taxes would actually go down under Big Mac but there is a good possibility they won't go up, which is what I really care about. Obama has come out and said that families that have a combined income of 75k or greater will get hit the worst...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Praise for Russia, Criticism for Russia

Putin finally does something I like! Not that I wouldn't want all the journalists I disagreed with assassinated or anything like that, but he really puts the screws to Madame Hillary.

"At a minimum, a head of state should at least have a head." - Vlad "the impaler" Putin

He laid the verbal beating on her, and who knew had jokes?

On a side note, the former soviet nation is full of idiots. If they think we are shooting down our DAMAGED satellite to test out missle defense, they are crazy. Maybe we should let it just fall to Earth and nail Moscow. That'd be productive.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Testing pinging?

To think, I actually want the world to know what I'm thinking!

Sir Charles the Foolish...

Basketball is a fun game. The players are among the greatest athletes in the world. Some know how to treat their opponents with a sense of graciousness and respect. Apparently, Barkley doesn't think thats how politics should be. He just pushes Wolf around, spewing empty rhetoric about fake christians. Charles, can you please give a few reasons other than, "I don't like the direction they are taking us." I hope someone runs against him, and knocks him off the perch he's sitting on in 2014.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Why he's still in...

Mike Huckabee is still in the presidential race for a couple of reasons. He enjoys campaigning, he's positioning himself to be a major player in the Republican party for the future, and he's showing that there is a significant part of the party that doesn't necessarily feel represented right now. I don't know if that's entirely accurate, because John McCain has a fairly good record on life issues, aside from the stem cell debate, but it is still worth mentioning.

Unfortunately for Mike, I feel like his viability as a candidate in the future is completely gone though. When you are pegged as a "christianist" by people like Andrew Sullivan and make a few verbal gaffes as you just become a frontrunner for a major nomination, you get pidgeonholed. That's exactly what happened to Huckabee. I think it would be bright of him to become a major voice representing the social conservatives, and to grab a position in the McCain cabinet as the Secretary of Education, or of Transportation. Domestic policy seems to be a strong suit of his.