Friday, February 8, 2008

Why he's still in...

Mike Huckabee is still in the presidential race for a couple of reasons. He enjoys campaigning, he's positioning himself to be a major player in the Republican party for the future, and he's showing that there is a significant part of the party that doesn't necessarily feel represented right now. I don't know if that's entirely accurate, because John McCain has a fairly good record on life issues, aside from the stem cell debate, but it is still worth mentioning.

Unfortunately for Mike, I feel like his viability as a candidate in the future is completely gone though. When you are pegged as a "christianist" by people like Andrew Sullivan and make a few verbal gaffes as you just become a frontrunner for a major nomination, you get pidgeonholed. That's exactly what happened to Huckabee. I think it would be bright of him to become a major voice representing the social conservatives, and to grab a position in the McCain cabinet as the Secretary of Education, or of Transportation. Domestic policy seems to be a strong suit of his.

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