Thursday, July 31, 2008

Slavery is Awful...

...which is why I don't understand Michael Medved's newest blog post:
The idea that the House of Representatives now officially endorses the claim that “slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude in history” is an embarrassment—one more shameful demonstration that preening politicians are willing to assault history, the truth, and even their own country in their mad, headlong pre-adjournment rush to serve the stern gods of brain-dead, America-hating political correctness.
I understand this is somewhat politically correct, but it doesn't seem like there is any reason to get upset about this. We all hate slavery. We all know it was an abhorrent practice. However, its not like this resolution tarnishes our image, or compromises the national interest. It does go a little too far, basically saying Americans were the worst slave owners. Last time I checked, all of them were bad. Just some thoughts on an overly dramatic post on (not surprisingly) Townhall.


Anonymous said...

I believe Michael's problem was with the historical facts. The truth does matter.

Steve Hollar said...

You don't get it, do you. He was pointing out this resolution makes America look like the only country in history that practiced brutal slavery. He's not saying slavery is wrong or it didn't happen here. Also, why should we continue dragging this on and on. Slavery was and is wrong. Most sane people agree with that. It ended here 150 years ago. It's time to put it behind us and quit apologizing.

Anonymous said...

We are all slaves... We all bow to the mighty dollar.. We are robots working for the man... We may not be beaten physically/mentally but the IRS takes its toll each year.. So lets get back to work to make the fat white guy richer.....