This one is called Memories.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm back!
Ever since I've been promoted at my office, life has been incredibly hectic, and I've been depressed with the leftward shift our country took so it's been a while. Let's get back to business...promoting truth and...ME. Check out my band, Ballast!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Oh Yeah, I Forgot to Mention...
...that I'm sorry I've been MIA for a month. School's started, work has been hectic, and I've been been stressed. I'm back though, and I have a WHOLE LOT to post about...
Grace Capital Church

Monday, August 4, 2008
...has me listed as both a white liberal, and a communist. White, yes, but liberal commie????
Simply incredible.
Simply incredible.
Friday, August 1, 2008

I purchased an X-Box Elite, to supplement the Wii I've been using for a year about 4 months ago. I've been enjoying varieties of different games such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty 4, etc etc.
There has been a travesty. The machine now freezes once you turn the games on. So do I send it in to Microsoft? Do I bring it back to Walmart? I am beyond annoyed.
I'm a little late on this quote. Barack Obama:
Oh Barry, Heal me!
"I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
Oh Barry, Heal me!
Sane Liberal
I just watched a great Bloggingheads, and Robert Wright really impressed me. For someone (I think,) is more of a scientist than a political analyst, he is very impressive. He talks to David Frum about a variety of different issues, and both presented very sensible arguments. I'm going to try an embed the video, although I don't see anything giving me the ability to do that on its webpage.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Amish Paradise
So my blog has been called little, and I've been called Amish today. I'd call that pretty eventful.
P.S. white pizza is very good. Mmmmmm.
P.S. white pizza is very good. Mmmmmm.
Slavery is Awful...
...which is why I don't understand Michael Medved's newest blog post:
The idea that the House of Representatives now officially endorses the claim that “slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude in history” is an embarrassment—one more shameful demonstration that preening politicians are willing to assault history, the truth, and even their own country in their mad, headlong pre-adjournment rush to serve the stern gods of brain-dead, America-hating political correctness.I understand this is somewhat politically correct, but it doesn't seem like there is any reason to get upset about this. We all hate slavery. We all know it was an abhorrent practice. However, its not like this resolution tarnishes our image, or compromises the national interest. It does go a little too far, basically saying Americans were the worst slave owners. Last time I checked, all of them were bad. Just some thoughts on an overly dramatic post on (not surprisingly) Townhall.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Drill Bra
This was a Japanese horror film. While being one of the more violent movies I have ever see, it reminded me of Kill Bill. Blood was spewing from every orifice, due to the cartoony fight scenes. I don't exactly recommend this badly dubbed movie.
Day Job
So I do collections. I actually enjoy it, but this weak economy is actually killing my business. Neither candidate has talked about restoring value to the dollar. Where is that rhetoric? How about letting people learn from mistakes, and stopping the government bailout? Giving people a strong dollar and deregulation will free up cash. The government needs to stop pandering to irresponsibility, and start restoring value to my cash.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Matt's Replacement
Ta-Nehisi Coates is going to be the blatantly liberal blogger at the Atlantic. I think this a great choice, and the Atlantic continues its winning streak of great voices. There's no collection of bloggers better on the whole net.
I was originally working on an article about Kwame Kilpatrick, current mayor of Detroit and underreported story of the year, and I'm going to make it on corruption in general, with the indictment of Ted Stevens coming to light. Posting will be somewhat light until then.
Monday, July 28, 2008

This is coming from someone who thought Stranger than Fiction was his best movie, though.
It gets aggravating to buy games ranging from $30-$50 and finding out they don't work anymore after you let someone borrow them.
I hate it.
I hate it.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Media Bias
I hate talking about media bias. We know its there. We know channels tilt left, and that channels tilt right. Radio is a conservative oasis, and the nightly news is a left wing stonewall. I like this story though. Sure it talks a little about John Edwards "love child," but it really focuses on the fact that Larry Craig was lambasted and the left is complacent when one of their own is in the fire. I like the Jesse Jackson example.
Barack Obama was met with at least one upset native when he visited the Western Wall. What I find more interesting are Jake Tapper's commenters on his blog. They are outrageous, funny and a little further right than I'm used to. I'm used to The Atlantic's commenters who, while very thoughtful, are usually a left of center crowd. ABC's don't seem quite as well spoken though.
One thing; was Obama actually expecting himself to be met with "more reverence"? That seems a little heavy handed, and I am officially on gaffe alert for the rest of his trip overseas.
One thing; was Obama actually expecting himself to be met with "more reverence"? That seems a little heavy handed, and I am officially on gaffe alert for the rest of his trip overseas.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Credit Crunch

I'm not going to claim to be an economist, but banks and other lending institutions make money off of the interest on the loans they give out. Therefore, it makes sense for them to give out as many loans as possible. That would include people with bad credit. They don't force people to take out the loans, charge up the cards, or buy the car. People (Americans in particular) do that because of convenience and procrastination. Why pay today what you can attempt to pay for the next 20 years? I think we should let the free market balance itself, by letting banks fail and letting customers fail. Is this too libertarian of an attitude to have? Is it too much to ask people and businesses to be good stewards of their own cash?
Prince of Darkness Cited
Bob Novak hit a pedestrian yesterday in DC. Apparently, the racing lessons really helped him at the ripe age of 77.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Tragedy of Hellboy

I was really hoping to see a third Hellboy. I find him to be an endearing character with a sense of realism compared to other comic characters that come out of the woodwork every few months onto the big screen. Demon or not, Mike Mignola created a character that felt human emotions and was a "regular guy." I don't know if the public at large wants a hero like that, but it seemed there was an audience after its 34m+ opening weekend. Unfortunately, Batman flew down and brutalized the sequel.
Batman ate up Hellboy's entire audience, which saw Del Toro's pic fall 71% from the previous weekend. Sometimes phenomenons do that. They eat up the competition and regurgitate its remains. This makes me wonder if the X-Files is dead in the water next week with the Dark Knight aftershock.
McCain-KenDoll '08

So I have been against Romney for a while. I've been against him for running for President. I'm against him being selected for any office in general, to be totally forthright. I think he's an example of a fictitious man who's thirst for power overrules any core beliefs he may hold. I also believe he continually shifted positions during the primary out of political expediency. He is a plastic politician, seemingly incapable of any resemblance of consistent positions and devoid of any true core beliefs.
This is why I think McCain-Romney '08 could be a good thing. I'm beginning to believe in the Obama landslide, and I don't think a whole army of McCainiacs can stop. This hurts me as a conservative, because I know my taxes are going to go up, liberal Supreme Court justices will be appointed, and the brand that mostly represents my views is extremely unpopular. Good thing I'm not a Republican, I guess. Romney represents those bad big R republicans. He used to be the nuanced moderate, the one with new ideas, and now I'm supposed to believe he's Reagan? It's unfortunate McCain had to run this year, because I believe he'd be a strong President of great character and strength. I'd also hope to God he'd put good strong policy makers in his cabinet, because he doesn't pay attention detail as much as needed. He's going to lose, though. It's going to be a landslide, and at least he can take Romney down with him. If they lose, I don't have to worry about Romney being the nominee of my former party in 2012. I think they have a lot in common already, but if Mitt loses this year, it'll be even more relevant...
John Edwards = Mitt Romney
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My favorite liberal blogger... leaving The Atlantic. Matthew Yglesias, everyone's favorite expert on liberal internationalism, mass transit, and basketball is leaving for the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. I wish him luck, and hopefully he won't change from an independent thinking progressive to a cookie cutter democratic mouth piece. He's a very intelligent guy, from what I gather, and I look forward to see what he brings to CAP.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Conservatism at its best...
I am no Obama supporter, but I think Ramesh has it right. Even though he is turning on a previous promise to operate in the current campaign finance, I think opting out is a good decision for America. What's more conservative than not spending the public's money?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Guess not...
KG must be tasting something sour, because he was a total non-factor tonight. Missing two clutch free throws?!?! Terrible. I'm still picking the Celtics in 6.
On the cusp of the title...
"Yeah, I can taste it." -Kevin Garnett
Tonight is the culmination of a series of events, orchestrated by Danny Ainge. Admittedly, I am not a fan of either Danny Ainge, or Doc Rivers. I think both have had an extremely inept for years in the green and white, and this championship won't change my opinion of them that much. Danny Ainge has two good trades, and Doc Rivers only had a good season because of those two trades. This trophy should be held by Pierce, Garnett, and Allen, with a wink and a nod to management, knowing they got some undeserved recognition because of the excellence of the Big Three.
Tonight is the culmination of a series of events, orchestrated by Danny Ainge. Admittedly, I am not a fan of either Danny Ainge, or Doc Rivers. I think both have had an extremely inept for years in the green and white, and this championship won't change my opinion of them that much. Danny Ainge has two good trades, and Doc Rivers only had a good season because of those two trades. This trophy should be held by Pierce, Garnett, and Allen, with a wink and a nod to management, knowing they got some undeserved recognition because of the excellence of the Big Three.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
There's no place like home...
...because apparently the Celtics don't like to play on the road. EVER.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posting is important
I know I haven't been a very reliable blogger, but I think that will change with the invention of the Iphone. Let's see how active I am from now on.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sorry for the lack of blogging...I've had the flu for two weeks. It'll still be a little light for the next couple days. Here's something to make your day a little better, though.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Empty Hope
Are you telling me that this Senator came on to Hardball that unprepared? This almost hurts me to watch.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Obama = Tax Collector?
Have any of you democrats thought about the possibility of extremely high taxes under an Obama administration? To be fair, I can't be sure my taxes would actually go down under Big Mac but there is a good possibility they won't go up, which is what I really care about. Obama has come out and said that families that have a combined income of 75k or greater will get hit the worst...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Praise for Russia, Criticism for Russia
Putin finally does something I like! Not that I wouldn't want all the journalists I disagreed with assassinated or anything like that, but he really puts the screws to Madame Hillary.
"At a minimum, a head of state should at least have a head." - Vlad "the impaler" Putin
He laid the verbal beating on her, and who knew had jokes?
On a side note, the former soviet nation is full of idiots. If they think we are shooting down our DAMAGED satellite to test out missle defense, they are crazy. Maybe we should let it just fall to Earth and nail Moscow. That'd be productive.
"At a minimum, a head of state should at least have a head." - Vlad "the impaler" Putin
He laid the verbal beating on her, and who knew had jokes?
On a side note, the former soviet nation is full of idiots. If they think we are shooting down our DAMAGED satellite to test out missle defense, they are crazy. Maybe we should let it just fall to Earth and nail Moscow. That'd be productive.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sir Charles the Foolish...
Basketball is a fun game. The players are among the greatest athletes in the world. Some know how to treat their opponents with a sense of graciousness and respect. Apparently, Barkley doesn't think thats how politics should be. He just pushes Wolf around, spewing empty rhetoric about fake christians. Charles, can you please give a few reasons other than, "I don't like the direction they are taking us." I hope someone runs against him, and knocks him off the perch he's sitting on in 2014.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Why he's still in...
Mike Huckabee is still in the presidential race for a couple of reasons. He enjoys campaigning, he's positioning himself to be a major player in the Republican party for the future, and he's showing that there is a significant part of the party that doesn't necessarily feel represented right now. I don't know if that's entirely accurate, because John McCain has a fairly good record on life issues, aside from the stem cell debate, but it is still worth mentioning.
Unfortunately for Mike, I feel like his viability as a candidate in the future is completely gone though. When you are pegged as a "christianist" by people like Andrew Sullivan and make a few verbal gaffes as you just become a frontrunner for a major nomination, you get pidgeonholed. That's exactly what happened to Huckabee. I think it would be bright of him to become a major voice representing the social conservatives, and to grab a position in the McCain cabinet as the Secretary of Education, or of Transportation. Domestic policy seems to be a strong suit of his.
Unfortunately for Mike, I feel like his viability as a candidate in the future is completely gone though. When you are pegged as a "christianist" by people like Andrew Sullivan and make a few verbal gaffes as you just become a frontrunner for a major nomination, you get pidgeonholed. That's exactly what happened to Huckabee. I think it would be bright of him to become a major voice representing the social conservatives, and to grab a position in the McCain cabinet as the Secretary of Education, or of Transportation. Domestic policy seems to be a strong suit of his.
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