So I have been against Romney for a while. I've been against him for running for President. I'm against him being selected for any office in general, to be totally forthright. I think he's an example of a fictitious man who's thirst for power overrules any core beliefs he may hold. I also believe he continually shifted positions during the primary out of political expediency. He is a plastic politician, seemingly incapable of any resemblance of consistent positions and devoid of any true core beliefs.
This is why I think McCain-Romney '08 could be a good thing. I'm beginning to believe in the Obama landslide, and I don't think a whole army of McCainiacs can stop. This hurts me as a conservative, because I know my taxes are going to go up, liberal Supreme Court justices will be appointed, and the brand that mostly represents my views is extremely unpopular. Good thing I'm not a Republican, I guess. Romney represents those bad big R republicans. He used to be the nuanced moderate, the one with new ideas, and now I'm supposed to believe he's Reagan? It's unfortunate McCain had to run this year, because I believe he'd be a strong President of great character and strength. I'd also hope to God he'd put good strong policy makers in his cabinet, because he doesn't pay attention detail as much as needed. He's going to lose, though. It's going to be a landslide, and at least he can take Romney down with him. If they lose, I don't have to worry about Romney being the nominee of my former party in 2012. I think they have a lot in common already, but if Mitt loses this year, it'll be even more relevant...
John Edwards = Mitt Romney
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